Want to take a peek inside a beehive? Relax with the bees buzzing? Experience bees in a completely different way? To enjoy different types of Slovenian honey and higher quality honey products? Visit Batištuta Beekeeping and experience beekeeping in a completely different light.

A soothing hum, air saturated with honey aroma, a touch of warm wax or honey, meditation and pleasure. Take time for moments when you can stop, calm down and truly relax. Booking in advance is required for the experience.

Apitherapy and its healing effects

Apitherapy is a therapy that uses bee products to help strengthen your immune system and maintain your health. In the apitherapy beehive, sit back and enjoy the healing effects of inhaling the aerosol. This has a beneficial effect on your psycho-physical well-being and especially on your respiratory system.

The sound of the bees' buzzing creates an additional soothing relaxation, which has a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, apitherapy helps to cleanse the pores in the lungs, relieves pneumonia and bronchitis, and is also therapeutic for asthmatics. Aerosol inhalation therapy is not recommended for those allergic to pollen.

Advance booking is required for the experience.

Info and contact:

Batištuta Beekeeping
Hum 66, 5211 Kojsko

T: + 386 40 347 404
E: info@cebelarstvobatistuta.si
W: http://www.cebelarstvobatistuta.si